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Yoni Steam


                    Ancestral Medicine for Modern Women

yoni steam herbs ancestral feminine

Credits photo: Wuhaus

It is an ancestral feminine treatment that has been used as a home remedy since the dawn of humanity. Different cultures from all continents have used these traditional techniques for the care and well-being of women.


The therapy consists of a sitz bath in which the woman rests comfortably while receiving in her yoni or vagina the vapors of the infusion of medicinal herbs carefully selected and cultivated for therapeutic use. It is a pleasant, pleasant and relaxing treatment, dedicated to the care and care of our intimate area.


Some Benefits of Yoni Steaming

+ Reduced pain and bloating around menstruation
+ Decreased menstrual flow
+ Regulates menstrual cycle, or helps to bring back an absent cycle
+ Increased fertility, especially when combined with Mayan abdominal massage
+ Heals and tones the reproductive system after giving birth
+ Reduces uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis
+ Emotional healing from past pain and trauma


In Mystic we have prepared three mixtures of medicinal herbs as remedies to treat different aspects and conditions of the female genital area. All the plants we use in our formulas have been grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals and are environmentally friendly.


Sessions are currently unavailable but you could use our blends in your own house.


Important: When to NOT Yoni Steam:

When you are currently pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

When you are currently on your menstrual cycle.

When you have 2 menstrual cycles in a 30 day period.

If you are breastfeeding, we have a  blend safe for breastfeeding. 

If you have an IUD:

You may only steam for 10 minutes (on a timer) with light clothing and without an electric burner

Do NOT use the pot you boiled the herbs in to steam. Transfer the steamy water and herbs into a heat safe glass or ceramic bowl. Do NOT use tin or plastic. 

Make sure to TEST the steam before kneeling / squatting over the yoni pot to avoid burning yourself.

Sacred Lotus Yoni Steam may be used alternatively and safely:

1. Tea

2. Infusion

3. Bath 


Buy Yoni Steaming Herbs

© 2011 Mystic Holistic Healing


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