Mystic Holistic Healing
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Womb Massage
Ancestral Medicine for Modern Women
Credits photo: Unknown
The practice of massaging the uterus through lower abdominal massage is ancient.
Before modern medicine, cultures depended on this practice to help women maintain healthy menstrual cycles, fertility, better birth outcomes, and faster postpartum recoveries.
The Womb Massage is a non-invasive, external, massage technique. It guides internal abdominal organs into their proper position for optimum health and well being.
The technique works by relieving congestion and blockages that improve the flow of chi & fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, thereby preventing the symptoms to progress to chronic disease. Organ function is improved by the release of physical and also emotional congestion from the abdomen.
45 - 60 minutes $100
Packages 4 sessions $360